Chelsea's Bed & Biscuit Started with Shays love of animals and the desire and determination to start her own business that caters to the dogs and cats that she loves. Shay has always been an animal lover. She has a strong passion to take care of them and give them the love and attention they deserve. When Shay and her husband Bill Decided to open their own business what better way to be surrounded by dogs and cats all day... without buying a farm! :)
Shay spends her days doting over the Kitties in the Feline kennels. She also gives plenty of snuggles and love to the dogs, along with (probably to many) treats. Her husband, Bill has been a dog trainer since he was enlisted in the US Navy in 1996 as a Military Working Dog (MWD) Handler, Kennel Master, and Instructor. He Operates his Business, Bulletproof Dog Training, along side Shay.
Meet Chelsea, the Namesake behind
Chelsea's Bed & Biscuit.
Chelsea was Bill and Shay's Rottweiler pup. She was a loved member of their family and proved that she was not only a lap warmer but also their protector and faithful companion under any circumstances!
Meet Shay